Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Never Pay Loan Modification Companies Fees Upfront!

Speaking with quite a few individuals who have recently called JDS Loan Modification Center advised us that have been burned by other companies who made them pay money upfront before they could work on their loan modification. If there is one thing we agreed upon when we met with Lisa Madigan is not to charge any upfront fees! Our fees are only invoiced once your modification has been approved and you received your package from your lender!
When it comes to saving your home from foreclosure and you are inquiring on some outside help for some assistance always ask questions. There should never be an upfront cost or any credit checks  because you are not refinancing!  Loan Modifications will lower your interest rate which lower your monthly  payment! They stop foreclosure and post pone your sale date!
Call us to discuss your situation. We'll explain which modification fits you. We will analyze all of your financials and package your deal for your lender! We will let you know what you may qualify for and project savings amounts, we will work with your lender weekly. Once approved for your modifcation you'll receive a package from your lender which we'll help complete and stay involved until you receive your final package.
Contact us now for a free modification consultation or go to our website http://www.jdssaysyes.com/

Friday, September 3, 2010

Foreclosure-Prevention Programs for the Unemployed

JDS has been working on loan modifications with loan institutions for a couple of years now with a 95% success rate in saving homeowners their homes from foreclosure! Have you been working on your own loan modification and getting FED UP and ready to GIVE UP due to the mortgage institutions losing your paperwork and denying you due to the lost paper work!  Don't give up!  We will and can help! 
Have you been experiencing a problem with the banks not wanting to accept unemployment for an income to proceed with the loan modifications? We have too! So we try to stay current with what the govenment is working on which right now is their support for the targeted unemployed homeowners struggling with foreclosure so please read:
WASHINGTON – The Obama Administration today announced additional support to help homeowners struggling with unemployment through two targeted foreclosure-prevention programs. Through the existing Housing Finance Agency (HFA) Innovation Fund for the Hardest Hit Housing Markets (the Hardest Hit Fund), the U.S. Department of the Treasury will make $2 billion of additional assistance available for HFA programs for homeowners struggling to make their mortgage payments due to unemployment. Additionally, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will soon launch a complementary $1 billion Emergency Homeowners Loan Program to provide assistance – for up to 24 months – to homeowners who are at risk of foreclosure and have experienced a substantial reduction in income due to involuntary unemployment, underemployment, or a medical condition.
Read more on posted site listed...
Posted:  http://www.markinghomeaffordable.gov/.
For a free loan modification consultation go to http://www.jdssaysyes.com/