Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Feds protect Foreclosure Victims

Good news has been announced by The American Residential Law Group - new protection rules coming from the federal government for those who are facing foreclosure. Changes have been brought about to HAMP that will be more effective in delivering the goods - preventing eviction and foreclosures. This new kind of protection plan has been initiated by Washington for foreclosure victims. The new plan envisages protection so as to remove confusion and feeling of frustration that homeowners are facing while hunting for financial relief. Some of these home owners have been able to get some help through the HAMP plan. To battle this tendency new practices have been mandated by the federal government with which the lenders would have to comply. The lenders are now expected to complete screening of the homeowners who are at risk from foreclosure to find out if they qualify for the loan modification.
The lenders are now prohibited from foreclosing on any homeowner until the eligibility test has been completed.
Posted in Foreclosure Victims. June 1st, 2010
It takes JDS Loan Modification Center just a few minutes to find out if you qualify for a loan mod. Call us at 630-529-1700

For a free loan modification consultation go to http://www.jdssaysyes.com

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