Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Refinance Home Loans?

Have you considered refinancing your home but your credit score isn't what it used to be. You are upside down with the value of your home and it is becoming a struggle for you to make those monthly payments. Let us help give you some peace of mind. There is no need to refinance with Obama Making Home Affordable Program(HAMP). A Loan Modification can save you money. It will lower your Monthly Payments by lowering the interest rate for the term of your loan. It can stop the foreclosure process and postpone the sale date. We have saved many homeowners substantial amounts of money, from $200 to $1800 a month with their mortgage payments. We have no upfront fees and all it takes is a 10 minute phone call to pre-qualify. Visit our website and look for us on Facebook.
For a free loan modification consultation go to

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