Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Loan Modifications HAMP Performance Report

Making Home Affordable Program Servicer Performance Report Through September 2010

Nearly 500,000 Permanent Modifications Granted to Homeowners

Nearly 28,000 permanent modifications reported in September.

Homeowners in active permanent modifications realize a median monthly payment reduction of 36%, or more than $500 per month.

For homeowners in permanent modifications, their median first-lien housing expense falls from 45% of their monthly income to 31%.

Homeowners who do not complete the trial modification phase of HAMP are likely to find an alternative solution such as a proprietary modification or a short sale. Fewer than 16% have gone to foreclosure.
Posted in http://www.financialstability.gov/

Do you need some assistance with your loan modification?  Have you been denied? We have a 95% success rate contact us now!

For a free loan modification consultation go to http://www.jdssaysyes.com/

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